Planned Giving

Give to Bill Wilson’s Legacy

The Bill Wilson Legacy Society is named for Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous who was born in The Wilson House and lived in East Dorset at the Griffith House during his formative years and recognizes any donor who has provided for The Wilson House in their estate plans. The Society is a way to honor the life’s work of Bill W. and help maintain The Wilson House and Griffith House, the boyhood home, for many years to come.

There are several creative gift planning options for those wishing to maximize the efficiency of their charitable support of The Wilson House. Whether it is helping donors establish a simple bequest, helping with a beneficiary designation, or creating charitable trusts to benefit the organization or heirs, we are here to help anyone realize their charitable and financial goals. The following are just a sample of some of the options available to make a planned gift.

Gifts by will or trust

Bequests and testamentary gifts are one of the easiest gifts to make and may take many forms including:

  • A specific amount of cash, stock, or other assets from your estate or retirement plan.
  • A fixed percentage of the value of your estate or retirement plan.
  • A percentage of your residuary estate.

Sample Bequest Language
“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Wilson House located at 378 Village Street, East Dorset, VT 05253, a 501(c)(3) Federal ID # the sum of [amount] dollars and/or the following described property [property description] to be used for (1) its general purposes, or (2) a designated, specific program or purpose.”

Click here for a copy of the Letter of Intent

Beneficiary designation

Naming The Wilson House as a beneficiary of your assets is another easy way to make a planned gift. Simply contact the administrator of the asset and complete the beneficiary designation form, specifying either an amount or percentage of the value you wish The Wilson House to receive.

Beneficiary designation applies to retirement assets, life insurance policies, bank accounts, commercial annuities, and donor-advised funds.

Life income gifts

  • Through a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT), you can support The Wilson House and receive income back from your gifts. With a CRT, you can place cash, securities, or other marketable assets in trust, and receive a variable payment based on the market value of the asset. At the end of that payment period, The Wilson House receives the remaining value of the trust.
  • Through a Charitable Lead Trust (CLT), assets given to the trust provide income to The Wilson House for a fixed term of years and provides the donor with a gift/estate tax deduction. At the end of the trust term, the principal goes to the heirs of the donor.

Make a Difference Today

To find out how you can create a lasting legacy to support The Wilson House and join the Bill Wilson Legacy Society, please contact Executive Director Kim Norman at (802) 362-5524.

If you have already established a planned gift, please download the Letter of Intent, fill out the form and return to the address indicated on the bottom of the form.